School Holidays
Periods during which the school is closed can be managed using ‘School Holiday’ records.
School Holidays can optionally adjust finance and will automatically adjust tuition time, and time logged for attendance.
There are rules to control how Course Bookings are affected by School Holidays. For example, sometimes you may wish to not charge the student for the holiday period (typically longer periods like Xmas) and in other cases you may wish to charge them (typically shorter holiday periods like public holidays).
Setting up a new School Holiday
Go to System Objects and select the School Holiday object.
You can select “All” in the drop down to view a list of School Holiday records already created:
To set up a new holiday, click “New” and the following dialogue box will open:
A new holiday will need to be created for each day or period that the school will be closed.
Enter Start Date and End Date of the holiday (if it is only a one day holiday, use the same date for the start/end)
Add a reason, e.g. Easter Public Holiday Monday or Christmas Break.
Search for the School Holiday Rule you wish to use
Select the School for which this holiday will apply; a New School Holiday will need to be created for each School in your system.
Ensure Active and Portal Active are ticked, then Save or Save & New if you have a number of holidays to create.
School Holiday Rules
The way the school holidays are processed depends on the holiday rule assigned to each holiday record.
Rule 1
Typically, this rule is used to manage longer holiday periods such as Christmas week school closure.
“Apply School Holidays” is checked on the PriceItem
“Apply Rule 2and3” is unchecked on the PriceItem
The School Holiday record is set to Rule 1
The system WILL NOT charge the student for the holiday and the course booking dates will be automatically adjusted.
Student has booked a course from 14/12 to 08/01 (3 weeks)
The school is closed from 25/12 to 01/01 (1 week)
Schoolworks will split the booking 1 week before the holiday and 1 week after the holiday, and calculate the finance for these 2 weeks only.
Student will be marked as Holiday in attendance records
Rules 2 and 3
Typically, these rules are used to manage 1 day public holidays.
“Apply School Holidays” is checked on the PriceItem
“Apply Rule 2and3” is unchecked on the PriceItem
The School Holiday record is set to Rule 2 or 3
The system WILL charge the student for the holiday, but they will be marked as Holiday in attendance - i.e. they “lose” the time.
Student has booked a two week course from 01/04 to 12/04.
The 08/04 is a Public Holiday and the school is closed for one day.
The student will be charged for the full 2 week booking. There will be no reduction in the amount charged.
Student will be marked as Holiday in attendance records
“Apply School Holidays” is checked on the PriceItem
“Apply Rule 2and3” is checked on the PriceItem
The School Holiday record is set to Rule 2 or 3
If the School Holiday record is set to Rule 2:
Depending on the configuration (to adjust the break point, please contact your System Administrator):
Typically for 3 week bookings or less, the system WILL NOT charge the student for the holiday, and they will be marked as Holiday in attendance
Student has booked a 2 week course from 01/04 to 12/04.
The 08/04 is a Public Holiday and the school is closed for 1 day.
The student will be charged for 1 week and 4 days. There will be a 1 day reduction in the amount charged - typically 20% of the Week price.
Student will be marked as Holiday in attendance records
Typically for 4 week bookings or longer, the system WILL charge the student for the holiday, and they will be marked as Holiday in attendance - i.e. they “lose” the time.
Student has booked a 4 week course from 01/04 to 26/04.
The 08/04 is a Public Holiday and the school is closed for one day.
The student will be charged for the full 4 week booking. There will be no reduction in the amount charged.
Student will be marked as Holiday in attendance records
If the School Holiday record is set to Rule 3:
The system WILL NOT charge the student for the holiday regardless of the length of booking, and they will be marked as Holiday in attendance
Student has booked a 4 week course from 01/04 to 26/04.
The 08/04 is a Public Holiday and the school is closed for one day.
The student will be charged for 3 weeks and 4 days. There will be a 1 day reduction in the amount charged - typically 20% of the Week price.
Student will be marked as Holiday in attendance records
Please note: for bookings that begin on a School Holiday, e.g. a Public Holiday Monday, the system will automatically adjust the course start date to the Tuesday of that week. The correct start date will appear on documentation.
School Holidays ONLY apply to Course bookings. Accommodation, Individual Tuition, Transfers, Exams, Sundries, Insurance bookings do NOT consider School Holidays.
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