Marking Attendance

  • This article explains how to record student attendance once they have been placed in Classes.

  • There are two methods to do this - through the Class screen or through the Student Account screen

  • It is also possible for the Teacher to log the attendance through the Teacher Portal. Please see this article for further details.

  • By default, logging attendance for Individual Tuition is switched off, but this can be switched on if required - please contact your System Administrator to activate this feature.

    • Once activated, Individual Tuition attendance can either be marked through the Student Account (see below), or through the Teacher Portal

Marking Attendance in the Class Screen

  • Navigate to the Class the student is placed in, and select the Attendance tab.

  • This screen is controlled by the Week Start Date field. defaulted to the current week.

  • Make sure you are working in the correct week before entering any attendance.

  • Change All will toggle all Students, then you can adjust those that are different. This is the typical way attendance is entered - toggle all Students to “Present”, then just adjust those that were absent, late or other.

  • Remember to press Save when you are finished, or the attendance will not be logged.

Marking Attendance in the Student Account

  • Navigate to the Student Account record, and select the Attendance tab.

  • This screen is intended to give the user an overview of the Student Attendance, together with an overall Attendance Percentage.

  • This will display all weeks the student has been placed in Classes.

  • Press Edit next to the week the attendance should be entered for.

Similar to the Class screen, the attendance can then be entered as appropriate.

Types of Attendance

  • There are different attendance options as follows:


Not Logged

  • The attendance status is unknown.



  • The student was present for all of the lesson.



  • The student was absent from the lesson.

  • You can add a note here to explain why, if you have any further details for the reason.



  • The student was late to the lesson.

  • You can choose how many minutes late the student was in the drop-down box, and add a note if required.

  • The remaining amount of the lesson will count towards their “Present” attendance percentage.



  • The student gave a reason for their absence and was excused from the lesson. This will count towards their “Present” attendance percentage.

  • NB this option is not typically available through the Teacher Portal as it is felt Academic Managers only are in a position to authorise absence.



  • This student was on an agreed holiday for this lesson.

  • This attendance period will not count towards their overall attee.


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  • Try searching for keywords at the top of the screen, or browse the full wiki contents in the left-hand panel.
  • If you need further support, please login to your Service Desk account and raise a support ticket here or email full details to
  • Full details of Schoolworks Support Best Practice and Process can be found here.