Online Booking Deposit Option

It is possible to configure the online booking system to provide an option for the customer to pay either a full amount or a deposit.

Configuration can include how the deposit is calculated, and how many days prior to a course starting the deposit is allowed as an option - for example, if the course starts shortly, deposit is not offered.

Deposit Calculation Type

There is a portal global setting which controls how a deposit is calculated.

First Course/Accommodation

The first course and first accommodation (chronologically) are used to calculate the deposit amount.

All Bookings

All bookings are used to determine the deposit amount

Deposit Calculation Value

On each Service there are two fields - Portal Deposit Type and Portal Deposit Qty.

Portal Deposit Type is either Amount or Percent

Portal Deposit Qty is the value of the Amount or Percent

Default Deposit

In the event any of the input services have a NULL Deposit Type and/or Value, then the total value of that Booking will be used to calculate the Deposit.

This can be used foe example to require full payment of first course and/or first accommodation bookings.


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