Enrolment Finance - Invoice Method

  • The invoice method determines who is paying for each booking (Student, Agent or Company).

Invoice Method

Type of Booking


Who is paying the fees to the school?


Invoice Method

Type of Booking


Who is paying the fees to the school?


Student Direct

Direct student

  • The student is paying you directly for the enrolment.

  • There are no other third parties involved.


Invoiced on the Student Account.

Agent Net

Agent student

  • The student has come to you through an agency.

  • The student will pay the agent gross fees and the agent will pay the school net fees.


Invoiced on the Agent Account.

Student Gross

Agent student

  • The student has come to you through an agency.

  • The student will pay the school gross fees and the school will pay the agent commission.


Invoiced on the Student Account.

Commission Credit Note on Agent Account.

Agent Gross

Agent student

  • The student has come to you through an agency.

  • The agency will pay the school gross fees and the school will pay the agent commission.


Invoiced on the Agent Account.

Commission Credit Note on Agent Account

Company Direct

Company student

  • The student has come to you through a company

  • The company will pay the school gross fees. No agent involved.


Invoiced on the Company Account.

Company Gross

Company student

  • The student has come to you through a company and agent

  • The company will pay the school gross fees and the school will pay the agent commission.


Invoiced on the Company Account.

Commission Credit Note on the Agent Account.

  • Consider the following example where the Agent is paying net for the Course Booking, but the Student is paying the school gross for the Accommodation Booking:

  • Typically the whole enrolment uses the same invoice method, but it is possible to adjust this on each booking if required.

  • To change the Invoice Method of the whole Enrolment, go to Edit Enrolment Details at the top of the Enrolment:

  1. Select Lookup to search for the Agent and/or Company, if not already linked.

  2. Choose the appropriate Invoice Method.

  3. Press Update. This will change ALL bookings on the Enrolment to that Invoice Method.

    1. If the Enrolment has already been invoiced to different Accounts, a Credit Note will be raised to clear any invoices, and new unposted finance will be displayed on the correct Account, ready to be invoiced.

  • To change the Invoice Method of one particular Booking, edit the Booking and change the Invoice Method field. For more details, please see the article on the Enrolment Booking Finance Details panel.

  • NOTE: if there is an Agent involved in any Booking, the Agent should be linked to the Enrolment through the Edit Enrolment Details screen. It is not possible to have a Student Direct Enrolment with an Agent related booking.


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  • Full details of Schoolworks Support Best Practice and Process can be found here.