Enrolment Finance Details Panel - Examples

Note: these examples are using a Direct Student but if an Agent or Company were involved, the finances would appear on those Accounts in Enrolment Finance Details panel.

Bookings added but not yet invoiced:


One booking invoiced using Partial Invoicing:


All bookings invoiced at the same time (i.e. not using Partial Invoicing):

All bookings invoiced:

Partial receipt received, allocated to one invoice:


Partial receipt received, allocated to one invoice:

Remainder receipt received, allocated to all invoices:


Remainder receipt received, allocated to one invoice:

Example of enrolment partially invoiced and partially receipted:



Enrolment Finance Details Fields

Total Invoiced

= posted income less receipts

Total Not Invoiced

= sum of all unposted income

(Student) Balance

= sum of all posted and unposted income less receipts


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