Finance Reporting - Enrolment Finance Fields

  • Below is a lit of the various Enrolment Finance fields on the Enrolment object, useful when reporting.

Enrolment Object Fields


Enrolment Student Balance

= posted income less allocated receipts

Enrolment Student Incl Unposted Balance

= sum of all posted and unposted income less receipts

Enrolment Student Incl Unposted Rec/Pay

= sum of all posted and unposted receipts (+) less payments (-)

Enrolment Student Incl Unposted Sale/Cre

= sum of all posted and unposted sale journals (+) less credit journals (-)

Enrolment Student Rec/Pay

= sum of all posted receipts (+) less payments (-)

Enrolment Student Sale/Cre

= sum of all posted sale journals (+) less credit journals (-)



Enrolment Total Gross

= total value of posted gross income less costs (PUR)

Enrolment Total Gross Incl Unposted

= total posted and unposted gross income less costs (PUR)

Enrolment Total Gross Unposted

= Enrolment Total Gross Incl Unposted less Enrolment Total Gross


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