Finance Reporting - Transaction Types

  • Below is a list of the various transaction types used on Finance Journals, useful when reporting.

Transaction (Tx) Types



Sale - a sale (DR or +) of a service to a customer (revenue)


Credit Sale - a credit (CR or - ) of a sale where the sale transaction has been reversed or reduced for any reason (often curtailments or cancellations)


Discount - a reduction of the gross sale amount (offered to the Student and visible to the Student)


Agent Discount Net - a reduction of the gross sale amount (offered to the Agent and not visible to the Student) - for when the Agent is paying a net invoice


Agent Discount Gross - a reduction of the gross sale amount (offered to the Agent and not visible to the Student) - for when the Student is paying Gross. This amount is paid in the form of a commission.


Payment - an amount paid out for example, to a supplier (such as a homestay provider) or to a student for a refund


Receipt - an amount received in from a customer to pay for their course/accommodation etc.


Agent Discount Gross Reversal - for when the agent discount gross is manually reversed


Agent Discount Net Reversal - for when the agent net net is manually reversed


Discount Reversal - for when the discount is manually reversed

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