Online Booking System - Service Relationships

In order to control the flow of screens a users is presented with on your Online Booking System, Service Relationships records are used. These link Services to other types of Services, or specific Services if required.

Consider the following two examples:

  1. If a student books a face to face course, you may wish to offer the student the option to also book accommodation, but with online courses, it may not be appropriate.

  2. If a student books a particular course, you may insist they also purchase the specific materials to go with that course.

The Service Relationship record is held on the Service record as a related list, typically under the “Schools, Options & Relationships” tab:

Example 1 - Offering the Student the option to book other types of Services

  1. Press the New button on the Service Relationships panel

  2. Select the School in the Lookup field

  3. Select the Service Type in the picklist field

  4. Save

  • The example above will allow the student to book any Transfer Services that are marked as Portal Active.

  • Repeat this process for all the different types of Service (e.g. Accommodation, Insurance) you wish the students to be able to book, or select “All” from the picklist if you wish to offer students booking this course the option to purchase any of your other Services.

  • Note: Service Types cannot be made Compulsory - the “isCompulsory” field can only be used for specific Services, see below.

Example 2 - Making an additional Service a compulsory booking

  1. Press the New button on the Service Relationships panel

  2. Select the desired compulsory Service in the Related Service field

  3. Select the Service Type from the picklist

  4. Tick the isCompulsory field

  5. Save

Please note, when creating a new Service using the Copy Service function, it is possible to copy these Service Relationships also to save time adding them each time.

Enabling Exam Bookings

In order to allow students to book exam services through the portal, it is necessary to add a Service Relationship record for each exam service.

  1. Press the New button on the Service Relationships panel

  2. Select the desired Exam Service in the Related Service field

  3. Select the School in the Lookup field

  4. Save

Note: Currently it is not possible to make Exam or Insurance Services compulsory to book through the online booking system.

Can’t find what you need?

  • Try searching for keywords at the top of the screen, or browse the full wiki contents in the left-hand panel.
  • If you need further support, please login to your Service Desk account and raise a support ticket here or email full details to
  • Full details of Schoolworks Support Best Practice and Process can be found here.