Configuring Service/PriceItem for Partial Invoicing (Instalments)

  • It is possible to configure a Service and PriceItem to allow the student to pay either the full amount on one invoice, or any number of instalments on separate invoices as required.

  • Please note it is only possible to use this feature when the instalments are due in fixed periods through the year.

    • For example the Course has a fixed start date in September; the first instalment is due in October and subsequent instalments are due in the following months.

    • It cannot be used for continuous enrolment when the start date may change depending when the student wants to start.

Configuring the Service

  • This process can be used on any Service, but typically is used on longer term courses.

  • Create the Service as usual.

  • Create a Service Option Type called “Instalment Type”.

    • To do this, go to the System Objects tab, then Service Option Type > New.

  • With the Service Option Type, add the desired number of different Service Options:

    • Go to the Service Options tab > New.

  • Complete the details as fully as possible, including whether you would like this option to appear on the Online Booking System.

  • Go back to the Service and relate your new Service Option Type to the Service.

    • Note, you can use the same Service Option Type on multiple Services if you wish to offer the same selection of instalment options.

    • If you need a different range of Service Options, you will need to create a new Service Option Type for them.

Configuring the PriceItem

  • Create the PriceItem as normal.

  • Within the Prices tab, create a new price line for each instalment, using the relevant Service Option.

    • Min/max quantity = 1

    • Price Unit = EACH

    • Enter the instalment number/details in the Description field.

  • Use date bound to contain the periods that each instalment should apply, as per the following screenshot:

  • When the user creates the booking, they select the desired Instalment Type.

  • If the booking falls in any part of the instalment date bound period, the instalment will apply.

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  • Try searching for keywords at the top of the screen, or browse the full wiki contents in the left-hand panel.
  • If you need further support, please login to your Service Desk account and raise a support ticket here or email full details to
  • Full details of Schoolworks Support Best Practice and Process can be found here.