Unallocating Receipts & Re-allocating

  • This article covers the steps to take to unallocate a receipt from an invoice.

  • It may be that the user made an error in allocating the receipt to the wrong invoice, or that it is necessary to allocate the receipt to a different invoice.


  • Go to the relevant Account and click on the Finance Details tab.

  • You will see the Invoices, Receipts, Credits and Payments on the Account so far.

  • Click on the “Allocate” button:

  • This will take you through to the Allocations screen:

  1. Tick “Include Allocated” to show the Receipts and Invoices which have already been allocated.

  2. Tick “Unallocate” on the Receipt line you wish to unallocate.

  3. Untick the “Allocate” box on the Invoice the Receipt is allocated to (note: the receipt may be allocated to more than one invoice).

  4. Check the Unallocated amount has adjusted accordingly and reflects the amount that should now be unallocated.

  5. Press the “Unallocate” button at the top of the screen.

  • You can then Exit (or Cancel) out of this screen to return to the View Finance screen.

  • The receipt will now be displayed as unallocated.

  • Note: it is possible to allocate the receipt to a different invoice in the Allocations screen above after unallocating to save time moving between screens.

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  • Full details of Schoolworks Support Best Practice and Process can be found here.