Processing Refunds - Overpayments

  • This article explains how to process a refund when a customer has overpaid for some reason.

  • Please note your school may have an internal approvals procedure for processing refunds. Please refer to your Line Manager for authorisation on processing a refund.

Example Case

  • Student books a course with you, they are invoiced (INV generated) and the student pays (REC generated).

  • At this point the Account Finance will look similar to this (in this case, the invoice is for £650 but the student has paid £700):

  • It is therefore necessary to refund the student the overpayment of £50 to clear the Account Balance.


  • In the View Finance screen, click on the Payment button to go through to the Payment screen.

    • Remember Payments are for monies being paid OUT, and Receipts are for monies received IN.

  • In the Payment screen:

  1. Enter the details of the Payment

  2. Enter the amount to be returned to the student

  3. Check the Closing Balance

  4. Press “Process Payment”

  • When complete, you will be taken back to the View Finance screen.

  • Check the summary of transactions is all OK, and press Exit to return to the Account:

  • Note: currently it is not possible to allocate a REC against a PAY (or vice versa), so these amounts remain unallocated.

    • This is on the development roadmap as a future improvement.

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  • If you need further support, please login to your Service Desk account and raise a support ticket here or email full details to
  • Full details of Schoolworks Support Best Practice and Process can be found here.