Creating Receipts & Allocating

Creating Receipts & Allocating

  • Receipts are for money received in to your bank, not to be confused with Payments (see this article).

  • Typically this is a Finance function where a Finance user goes through the bank statement either daily or weekly, and enters all the Receipts on to the appropriate Accounts.

  • Allocation is the process of linking the Receipt to the Invoice it is paying.

  • Note: it is crucial to ensure all receipts are allocated to the invoice they are paying in order to avoid a large amount of unallocated receipts building up - seen as “unknown” in the system.

    • Without allocating, the system knows who the money is from, but not what it is for.

  • Note: Schoolworks should always tell the truth, so if money has been received from an Account, a receipt should be created on the Account, regardless of whether there is an invoice to allocate it against.

    • It may be that the Receipt is created before the Invoice, in which case it sits unallocated until there is an Invoice generated to allocate it against.

  • Once the Receipt has been allocated to the Invoice, it will be displayed in the Enrolment screen also, if the invoice has been generated through the Enrolment.

Full Amount of Single Invoice Received

  • Go to the Finance Details tab of the relevant Account

  • Click on the Receipt button to open the Receipt screen

  • Complete the details as follows:

  1. Enter the date the money was received in the bank account

  2. Select the bank account (the options in this list will vary by school)

  3. Select the Payment Method (the options in this list will vary by school)

  4. Enter a description for reference, often including any bank reference number

  5. Tick Allocate next on the transaction (invoice) line

  6. Check the balance is as expected in the right hand panel

  7. Click Process Receipt

This process allocates the Receipt to the invoice, fully paying it off in this case.

Full Amount of Multiple Invoices Received

  • Similar to the above, it is possible to create one Receipt to cover multiple invoices, common with Agents who may be paying a lump sum for a number of students.

  • Follow the same steps as above, but in this case, tick allocate on each line the receipt should cover.

  • Ensure the balance is as expected before pressing Process Receipt.

Partial Amount Received

  • It is also possible to process a receipt for a partial amount of an invoice, in the event you do not receive the full amount.

  • In this case follow the steps above, but after ticking allocate, adjust the amount in the Receipt Allocation column.

  • Check the remaining balance is as expected in the right hand panel before pressing Process Receipt.

Creating a Receipt Without Allocation

  • It may the case that funds are received and need to be recorded with a Receipt in the system, but there is no Invoice to allocate them to so far, or it is not clear which invoice the Receipt should be allocated to.

  • In this case, follow the steps above, but enter the amount of the Receipt in the right hand panel.

  • This will show as Unallocated. Check the figures in the right hand panel before pressing Process Receipt

  • It is then possible to allocate the Receipt to the Invoice at a later point. Please see this article for more information.

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