Auto Document Creation

Released in version v3.888 Schoolworks can now automatically create document based on trigger ‘action' events.

The purpose of auto docs is to speed up and streamline the document creation process and avoid the current manual process of opening the ‘Create Documents’ screen, selecting the required documents, and waiting for them to be created in Google.

Action Events

The following actions can trigger the auto creation of documents:


  • Estimate

    • Save

    • Convert

    • Convert and Invoice

  • Enrolment

    • Save

    • Save & Invoice

    • Cancel Whole Enrolment

  • Accommodation Placement

  • Receipt

    • Process receipt

  • Payment

    • Process payment


Configuration is via the Document Template record:

SW Auto Docs.png

To Configure:

  • Tick ‘Auto Create’

  • Assign an auto create action (i.e. trigger)

    • e.g. Enrolment Save & Invoice

  • Save


Notes & tips

  • Use the Document Template Relationship feature to define when a particular document should be created for your use case

    • This will ensure you are only creating the required ‘auto’ documents needed and will help with further automation (e.g. email automation) which will be possible in a future release

    • Document creation is a asynchronous ‘batch’ process; so limiting the number of automatica documents being created will help in the overall speed of system document creation.

Can’t find what you need?

  • Try searching for keywords at the top of the screen, or browse the full wiki contents in the left-hand panel.
  • If you need further support, please login to your Service Desk account and raise a support ticket here or email full details to
  • Full details of Schoolworks Support Best Practice and Process can be found here.