Accommodation Screen - Placement

  • This article looks at how to place students with Accommodation Providers throught eh Accommodation Screen.

  • It is also possible to place students individually in accommodation through the Enrolment screen - see this article.

Accommodation Screen Filters

  • The first step is to adjust the filters in the Accommodation Screen as required - please see this article for more information.

  • Typically users just select the Service they wish to place students for, then press Search.

Placement Dialogue

  • When ready, press the “Place Students” button in the top right.

  • This will open a dialogue whcih displays all students who have booked accommodation services, but those services have yet to be fully placed.

    • This dialogue box can be moved around the screen as required.

  • Once the Booking has been fully placed, the student will no longer appear in the placement dialogue.

  • Iis possible to click on the Student ID or Enrolment ID links to open those records in a new tab.

Placing a Student

  • In the Place Students dialogue box, select the student you wish to place.

  • You will notice as soon as you select the student, the screen will apply the particular Booking Dates, Booking Options and any preferences if applicable to the Filter Panel behind.

  • The list of rooms/providers then displayed will be those that match the details of the Booking.

  • To place the student, click, hold and drag them on to the row - the dates will automatically match those of the Booking.

  • Release your mouse button to place the student.

    • As soon as the student is placed, the information will appear on the Enrolments, on Reports/Dashboards, and documents/emails can be generated with the information.

    • Additionally, as soon as the placement is made, the Local Address fields will be copied across from the Accommodation Account to the Student Account.

Partial Placement

  • By default the student will be placed for the full duration of the Booking.

  • However, if you only wish to place the student for part of their booking, adjust the “Plc.Start” or “Plc. End” date in the Place Students dialogue accordingly.

  • When placing, the placement will then only be for the dates entered.

  • The student will remain in the Place Students dialogue until the remainder of the Booking has been fully placed.

  • Compare the Booking Dates with the Placement Dates in the following screenshot:

Over-riding Filters

  • If there is no suitable host that matches the student that has been selected, it is possible to over-ride the filters that have been applied to show more available hosts.

  • While the Place Students dialogue box is open, adjust the filters as required.

  • Often the easiest adjustment is to remove any Accommodation Preferences.

  • Press the Search button, and the list of available providers will refresh

    • In some cases, it may be necessary to adjust the Booking Options available on the Room


  • Once placed, it is possible to right click on the placement to display a shortcut menu:

  • View Student - opens the Student Account in a new tab

  • View Enrolment - opens the Student Enrolment in a new tab

  • Create Documents - opens the Create Documents screen in the Student Enrolment in a new tab

  • Create Email - opens the Create Email screen in the Student Enrolment in a new tab

    • Using these shortcuts can save a lot of time in navigating around the system

  • Room Reservation - please see this article.

  • Edit Placement - please see next section.

  • Cancel Placement - please see next section.

Making changes

  • Moving a placement

    • It is possible to drag and drop the student from one room to another, if required.

    • Each time this is done, a new Placement record will be created and the old one marked as Deleted.

  • Shortening a placement

    • Right click on the placement and choose “Edit Placement”.

    • Adjust the dates accordingly and press Save.

    • This will update the Placement record

    • If there is a portion of the Booking that is not yet placed, the student will appear back in the Place Students dialogue box.

  • Lengthening

    • Similar to shortening, but only applicable if a student has not yet been fully placed.

    • Right click on the placement and choose “Edit Placement”.

    • Adjust the dates accordingly and press Save.

    • This will update the Placement record

    • If there is a portion of the Booking that is not yet placed, the student will appear back in the Place Students dialogue box.

  • Cancelling a placement

    • Right click on the placement and choose “Cancel Placement” and press Save

    • This will update the Placement record

    • The student will appear back in the Place Students dialogue.

      • NOTE - if the Booking or Enrolment is cancelled, this will automatically cancel all related accommodation placements.

Can’t find what you need?

  • Try searching for keywords at the top of the screen, or browse the full Knowledgebase contents in the left-hand panel.
  • If you need further support, please login to your Service Desk account and raise a support ticket here or email full details to
  • Full details of Schoolworks Support Best Practice and Process can be found here.