Accommodation Screen - Placement
This article looks at how to place students with Accommodation Providers throught eh Accommodation Screen.
It is also possible to place students individually in accommodation through the Enrolment screen - see this article.
Accommodation Screen Filters
The first step is to adjust the filters in the Accommodation Screen as required - please see this article for more information.
Typically users just select the Service they wish to place students for, then press Search.
Placement Dialogue
When ready, press the “Place Students” button in the top right.
This will open a dialogue whcih displays all students who have booked accommodation services, but those services have yet to be fully placed.
This dialogue box can be moved around the screen as required.
Once the Booking has been fully placed, the student will no longer appear in the placement dialogue.
Iis possible to click on the Student ID or Enrolment ID links to open those records in a new tab.
Placing a Student
In the Place Students dialogue box, select the student you wish to place.
You will notice as soon as you select the student, the screen will apply the particular Booking Dates, Booking Options and any preferences if applicable to the Filter Panel behind.
The list of rooms/providers then displayed will be those that match the details of the Booking.
To place the student, click, hold and drag them on to the row - the dates will automatically match those of the Booking.
Release your mouse button to place the student.
As soon as the student is placed, the information will appear on the Enrolments, on Reports/Dashboards, and documents/emails can be generated with the information.
Additionally, as soon as the placement is made, the Local Address fields will be copied across from the Accommodation Account to the Student Account.
Partial Placement
By default the student will be placed for the full duration of the Booking.
However, if you only wish to place the student for part of their booking, adjust the “Plc.Start” or “Plc. End” date in the Place Students dialogue accordingly.
When placing, the placement will then only be for the dates entered.
The student will remain in the Place Students dialogue until the remainder of the Booking has been fully placed.
Compare the Booking Dates with the Placement Dates in the following screenshot:
Over-riding Filters
If there is no suitable host that matches the student that has been selected, it is possible to over-ride the filters that have been applied to show more available hosts.
While the Place Students dialogue box is open, adjust the filters as required.
Often the easiest adjustment is to remove any Accommodation Preferences.
Press the Search button, and the list of available providers will refresh
In some cases, it may be necessary to adjust the Booking Options available on the Room
Once placed, it is possible to right click on the placement to display a shortcut menu:
View Student - opens the Student Account in a new tab
View Enrolment - opens the Student Enrolment in a new tab
Create Documents - opens the Create Documents screen in the Student Enrolment in a new tab
Create Email - opens the Create Email screen in the Student Enrolment in a new tab
Using these shortcuts can save a lot of time in navigating around the system
Room Reservation - please see this article.
Edit Placement - please see next section.
Cancel Placement - please see next section.
Making changes
Moving a placement
It is possible to drag and drop the student from one room to another, if required.
Each time this is done, a new Placement record will be created and the old one marked as Deleted.
Shortening a placement
Right click on the placement and choose “Edit Placement”.
Adjust the dates accordingly and press Save.
This will update the Placement record
If there is a portion of the Booking that is not yet placed, the student will appear back in the Place Students dialogue box.
Similar to shortening, but only applicable if a student has not yet been fully placed.
Right click on the placement and choose “Edit Placement”.
Adjust the dates accordingly and press Save.
This will update the Placement record
If there is a portion of the Booking that is not yet placed, the student will appear back in the Place Students dialogue box.
Cancelling a placement
Right click on the placement and choose “Cancel Placement” and press Save
This will update the Placement record
The student will appear back in the Place Students dialogue.
NOTE - if the Booking or Enrolment is cancelled, this will automatically cancel all related accommodation placements.
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