Accommodation Payment Batch - Configure

  • This article advises how to configure your system to be able to run accommodation payment batches.

  • For instructions on how to run the batch once the system is configured, please see this article.

Accommodation Services

  • As with all products or services that are sold to your customers, you must have an Accommodation Service and PriceItem present and active in the system to allow the service to be booked (record type Accommodation).

Supplier Cost Services

  • For each Accommodation Service you wish to pay a provider for, there must be a corresponding Cost Service and PriceItem to hold the amount that the provider will receive, including any variables for service options such as room type, board type, high season supplement (record type Cost)

  • The basis on which the provider is paid can be independent of the amount the student is charged. For example, the Supplier Service PriceItem may charge the student a full week for 6 nights, but the Supplier Cost Service PriceItem may pay the provider for just the 6 nights and not the full week.

  • The Supplier Cost Service can be linked to the “sale” Accommodation Service through the lookup field called “Cost Service”.

  • Please refer to your System Administrator if you need any support in creating these Cost Services and PriceItems.

Accommodation Accounts

  • For any accommodation Accounts that you would like to pay through the batch, they need the following:

  • Accommodation Payment field must be ticked:

  • If you wish to pause payments to the host for any reason, you can tick the Accommodation Payment Hold field.

  • Note: layout of the fields on the page in your org may vary depending on your system configuration.

  • Each Supplier Service that the Accommodation provider offers must have a relationship to the corresponding Supplier Cost Service, set up in the previous step.



  • Check all Accomm Services have a corresponding Cost Service/PriceItem.

  • Check config of Sale and Cost PriceItems including Rounding, Duration Offset, Duration Offset Threshold, Prices and Price Units and Date Bound dates.

  • Check all Accomm Accounts have the correct Supplier Services - Sale and Cost.

  • Create generic Homestay Supplier Account, and any other generic Accommodation Accounts if one does not exist already.

  • Add lookup to Supplier Account to all Cost Services (in Supplier field).

  • Add lookup to Cost Service to all Accommodation Services (in Cost Service field).

  • If required, check Accommodation PriceItems have "Override Tax from Cost Service" ticked on.

  • Ensure Discount and Commission is unchecked on all Prices in the Cost PriceItems.


Export File Configuration

  • The file format accepted by the customer’s bank may require Schoolworks development work depending on the requirements.

  • Typically requires Finance Bank Nominal records to be set up (to determine which client bank the money is being paid out from).

    • These may need the Bank Account Payer Name and Bank Account ID field completed.

  • Settlement Accounts on the batch export only display if at least one of the Account Holder, Account Number or Sort Code fields are not blank on the Bank Finance Nominal record. If they are all blank, the account will not be an option to select as a Settlement Account.

  • The file format may require specific fields on the Finance Bank Nominal and the Accommodtion Accounts to be completed, otherwise the batch may be rejected by the bank. This requirement varies by bank.

    • Typically on the Accommodation Account, the Bank Holder, Bank Account, Bank Sort Code and/or Bank IBAN need to be completed.

    • There are some validation rules on the file export to reject the export before it is exported to prevent errors when processing by the bank.


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  • If you need further support, please login to your Service Desk account and raise a support ticket here or email full details to
  • Full details of Schoolworks Support Best Practice and Process can be found here.