Accommodation Screen Overview

  • The Accommodation screen is the best place to place students with Accommodation Providers.

  • It is also possible to place students individually in accommodation through the Enrolment screen - see this article.

  • For an accommodation provider to appear on this screen, their Accommodation Account must be fully configured. Please see this article.

  • This screen can display a large amount of information; as such it is recommended to be viewed with a high resolution monitor.

Accommodation Screen Overview

  • The Accommodation screen is a custom Schoolworks screen and is separated into two main panels:

  1. Filtering Panel

  2. Placement Panel

Filtering Panel

  • Period Start/End

    • This defaults from the coming weekend for the next 36 days (this canbe adjusted if required)

    • This can also be manually adjusted in the screen if a different period is required

  • School

    • If there are multiple schools in your system, it is possible to select the school in this dropdown.

    • It is possible to default this to a particular school per user - contact your System Administrator if you wish to change this default

  • Service

    • Select the Service you wish to view, or choose ALL which will display all accommodation providers regardless of Service they offer.

    • Typically it is preferable to focus on a specific Service for placements to display the relevant data

    • It is possible to default this to a particular school per user - contact your System Administrator if you wish to change this default

  • Options

    • This shows the Booking Options available for the selected Service, e.g. Single Room, Double Room, Half Board, Bed & Breakfast

  • Preferences

    • This displays any Accommodation Preferences related to the student’s booking

  • Booking Comment

    • This displays any comment that has been added by the Admissions team when processing the booking

  • Placement Exclusions

    • It is possible here to exclude preferences marked on the Accommodation Account or Room.

  • Status filters

    • It is possible to filter the Placement Panel by status, only showing placements with particular statuses.

  • Press the Search button after adjusting the filters to apply them to the Placement Panel.

Placement Panel

  • This panel displays one row per Room for each Accommodation Provider.

  • Looking in more detail:

  1. It is possible to search for a particular Accommodation Provider in this box

  2. The name of the Accommodation Account, with the Accommodation Code in brackets

    1. Clicking on this will open the Accommdation Account in a new tab.

  3. The name of the room

  4. The Booking Options that can be delivered in this room

  5. The capacity of the room

  • If multiple students are placed in the same room, the row will automatically resize to display them:

  • The screen will display the first 50 Accommodation Providers that meet the filter criteria in the Filter Panel.

  • It is then possible to navigate to the next page using the controls at the bottom of the screen.

    • it is possible to change the quantity of providers displayed by default, but please note increasing this may cause the screen to load more slowly.

  • It is also possible to use the Zoom controls at the bottom of the screen to change the periods display.

    • By default, the screen will display Weeks, but it is possible to zoom out to see Months or Years to get an overview of placements.

Can’t find what you need?

  • Try searching for keywords at the top of the screen, or browse the full Knowledgebase contents in the left-hand panel.
  • If you need further support, please login to your Service Desk account and raise a support ticket here or email full details to
  • Full details of Schoolworks Support Best Practice and Process can be found here.