Accommodation Screen - Room Reservation

Room reservation allows you to reserve an accommodation room until an expiry date.  Details such as reserved for, reserved by and a comment may be added to the reservation. This feature requires appropriate system permissions - if the room reservation drop down is not available please contact your systems administrator.

Quick Step Instructions

Navigate to the accommodation tab

Select the desired period start/end dates, school and service; click Search

Right click in the space where you want to reserve a room and select 'Room reservation'.  The following screen will appear:

Enter the required details:

The Start and End Date of the room reservation

The Expiry Date (at midnight on this date the room reservation will expire and be removed from the system)

NB: The Expiry Date should typically be before the start date of the accommodation. Your system may be configured to allow a reservation up until or a few days after the start date.

Please consider the expiry date carefully - the room will be reserved and not available to other students until after this date 

Optionally enter Reserved For (typically a student or agent); Reserved By (will default to your logged in username, or change this to another staff member if you are making the reservation on their behalf)

Click SAVE

Schoolworks will perform a check to ensure the room is still available, if so the reservation will appear on the screen

TIP: If your screen has been idle for some time, or you receive an error message, please 'refresh' your web browser, and try again.

Steps 1-3 - navigate to the accommodation tab, select school/service and open the reservation pop-up

Steps 4-6 - create/save the reservation

Editing or cancelling a reservation

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  • Try searching for keywords at the top of the screen, or browse the full Knowledgebase contents in the left-hand panel.
  • If you need further support, please login to your Service Desk account and raise a support ticket here or email full details to
  • Full details of Schoolworks Support Best Practice and Process can be found here.