Booking Statistics

The Booking Statistics object is used for reporting student weeks across the delivery period of the booking. This helps with planning student numbers week by week in to the future.

ISO Week Numbers

  • It is recommended to use the “WI” week number fields as these represent the ISO week numbers.

  • ISO week numbers are commonly used in business systems.

  • Week One ISO can be defined as follows:

    • It is the first week with a majority (4 or more) of its days in January.

    • Its first day is the Monday nearest to 1 January.

    • It has 4 January in it. Hence the earliest possible first week extends from Monday 29 December (previous Gregorian year) to Sunday 4 January, the latest possible first week extends from Monday 4 January to Sunday 10 January.

    • It has the year's first working day in it, if Saturdays, Sundays and 1 January are not working days.

  • Therefore:

    • ISO Week 1 2022 starts on Monday 03/01/2022

    • ISO Week 1 2023 starts on Monday 02/01/2023

    • ISO Week 1 2024 starts on Monday 01/01/2024

    • ISO Week 1 2025 starts on Monday 30/12/2025

    • ISO Week 1 2026 starts on Monday 29/12/2026

    • ISO Week 1 2027 starts on Monday 04/01/2027

    • ISO Week 1 2028 starts on Monday 03/01/2028

  • Further details on this can be found here.


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