A Price record controls how much we sell a Price Item (which links to a service) for.
Price Settings
Typically a Sale price, but can be a discount or commission type if we wish to introduce fixed discounts or commissions
Option Types
We can apply price entries to options defined in the Option Types (see Service Option Types) which are selected in the Booking screen.
Examples might be different prices based on type of room, type of board, transfer types - all of which may have the same or different prices
Min Qty and Max Qty
These can be used to create a 'price break' e.g. from 1 to 4 Weeks
Apply Discount Qty and Discount Qty
When the Discount Price Type is used, use Discount Qty as a multiplier to the discount
E.g. For a Booking between 1 to 10 weeks, Apply a Discount Qty of 1 week @ £100.00 per week
The text that appears as a line in the journal which is also the line item on the invoice. Due to this, it is important that the Description is simple, but meaningful.
Duration is not used, price per each
Can be used in all Service Types, but typically for Fixed Price Courses, Exams, Sundries
Note that Each has severe limitations.
Each based pricing will not work across multiple Price Lists
Each based pricing cannot be pro-rated if the Course is shortened or extended
Qty (Each)
Duration weeks is used as a Qty multiplier times the Each price
Typically used when prices are fixed for a set quantity
3 Weeks = £1225
4 weeks = £1595
5 weeks = £1650
Useful when the price is not wholly divisible by the number of weeks and a per week price is not possible
Duration based
Qty is a multiplier by Week
Used for weekly prices when we multiple the number of weeks x the weekly price
Typically used in banded ranges of weeks with a weekly price per week
3 to 5 weeks @ £300.00 per week
6 to 8 weeks @ £290.00 per week
9 to 12 weeks @ £280 per week
13 to 99 weeks @ £270 per week
It is possible to combine week and day/night prices in the same price list
Weekly banded pricing is the easiest to manage year to year (across pricelists) and offers an easy way of re-pricing weeks across different price lists.
Duration based
Qty is a multiplier by Day
Used for daily prices when we multiple the number of days x the daily price
Duration based
Can be used in Accommodation Service Types only
Qty is a multiplier by Night
Behaves the same as Day but useful for Pricing formatting
Used for Weekly Prices when we multiple the number of nights x the daily price
Duration based
Can be used in Individual Tuition Service Types Only
Qty is a multiplier by Hour
Used for hourly prices when we multiple the number of hours x the hourly price
Where do I find Prices?
You can search via a Priceitem - prices appear on a separate tab:
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