Groups - Invoice Methods

  • Key considerations with different invoice methods:

    • StudentDirect - individual invoices for each Group Member on each Student Account, gross, as per the finance that has been applied to each of them through the Bookings. No agent involved.

    • AgentNet - one Group invoice for the whole Enrolment on the Agent Account, net.

    • StudentGross - individual invoices for each Group Member on each Student Account, as per the finance that has been applied to each of them through the Bookings; gross. Single commission credit note for the agent covering the commission owed for the whole Group.

    • AgentGross - one Group invoice for the whole Enrolment on the Agent Account, gross. Single commission credit note for the agent covering the commission owed for the whole Group.

    • CompanyDirect - one Group invoice for the whole enrolment on the Company Account, gross, no agent involved, no commission.

    • Company Gross - one Group invoice for the whole enrolment on the Company Account, gross. Single commission credit note for the agent covering the commission owed for the whole Group.

  • Note there is a locked default of Credit Reinvoice always switched on for Groups.

    • This means the original invoice will always be full reversed and a new invoice for the complete Enrolment generated, regardless of when the changes are made (pre or post Enrolment Start Date)

    • It is not possible to create a “difference” invoice for Group Enrolments.

  • However, it is possible to invoice a particular student separately for one additional booking, for example, a damage fee - see this article.

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