Groups - Invoicing Changes

  • There may be situations where an Agent has been invoiced for a Group, but it is necessary to create a separate invoice to the Group for an additional booking, such as a Sundry.

  • The process is different to individual Students - it is not possible to generate a Difference Invoice in the same way. It is always necessary to credit reinvoice the Group for any changes.

  • This article outlines the two options available.

Option 1 - Add an Additional Booking with StudentGross Invoice Method

  • Example Group: The group is AgentNet and they have been invoiced for the course and accommodation:

  • Note: it is not possible to untick Credit & Reinvoice button - all changes must involve a full credit and reinvoice.

  • Add the additional booking, apply to the relevant students, then in the Group Enrolment Booking Finance Details in the Booking, change the invoice method to StudentGross:

  • Update and return to the main invoice screen.

  • The finance will now show a Reversal Credit for the original Agent invoice and unposted finance for the new invoice for the Agent, as well as a separate invoice for the additional booking on the Group Account:

  • Press Save, then Update Students & Invoice. This will start the process to update the Group Members with the changes to the Bookings and to invoice.

    • You can close the Enrolment while the process takes place - you will be notified by email when it is complete.

  • Once invoiced, it is possible to generate the corresponding documents to email or print.

Option 2 - Create a new Enrolment on the Student Account

  • This method is preferred by many clients as simpler and quicker to process:

  • If the Booking just applies to a single Student, then it is possible to go to the individual Student Account, create a new Enrolment and add the Booking in that Enrolment using StudentGross invoice method.

  • Documents can then be generated on that Enrolment and emailed out.

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  • If you need further support, please login to your Service Desk account and raise a support ticket here or email full details to
  • Full details of Schoolworks Support Best Practice and Process can be found here.