Groups - Creating a Group Account

  • The first step to creating a Group is to create the Group Account.

  • A key difference between Groups and Individuals is that there is a one to one relationship between the Group Account and the Group Enrolment - it is not possible to create more than one Group Enrolment on a Group Account.

  • The Group Account record holds the main details about the group such as Agent, Company, Nationality, Language, Contact Details, Notes.

Creating a Group Account

  • Click on the Accounts tab in your navigation bar, then click on New.

  • Choose the Group record type.

  • Enter the Group Name - make this easily identifiable for yourself and your colleagues

  • Enter the Group Size - this is the total number of Group Members, including Group Leaders.

  • Enter the Default School

  • Your school may have configured additional compulsory fields - follow the system prompts to complete all required fields.

  • Press Save.

Group Account Screen

  • All Group Accounts are given a unique ID starting with the prefix “GR” - for example “GR-000134”.

  • Below is a example of the Group Account page.

    • NOTE: the fields displayed in your org may be different to this example, depending on the configuration of your system.

  • Key fields to consider:

    • Default Agent - if the Group is coming through an Agent, look up the Agent here to link to the Agent record.

    • Default Company - if the Group is coming through a Company, look up the Company here to link to the Agent record

    • Invoice Method - depending on whether an Agent or Company is involved, select the correct Invoice Method (more information on these can be found here)

  • The tabs across the top of the page allow you to view other records related to the Account if/when they have been created.

  • When you have completed as much detail as possible at this stage, save the record and proceed to create the Group Enrolment.

  • You can come back to add additional detail at a later point if required.

Can’t find what you need?

  • Try searching for keywords at the top of the screen, or browse the full wiki contents in the left-hand panel.
  • If you need further support, please login to your Service Desk account and raise a support ticket here or email full details to
  • Full details of Schoolworks Support Best Practice and Process can be found here.