Enrolment Finance - Manually Editing Prices

  • It is possible to manually edit any of the prices on unposted finance if required.

  • NOTE: this should be a last resort. The system is designed to present the correct prices at all times. If the price is not displaying as expected, it is much better to understand why this is not the case. Consider:

    • Is the pricing correct in the priceitem?

    • Is the correct price list being used? Potentially the Student/Enrolment is locked to a specific price list.

    • Does the Agent Account (if relevant) have the correct commission Account Finance Setting records in place?

    • Are there any existing manual amendments to Discounts or Commissions within the Booking itself (in the Enrolment Booking Finance Details panel)?

  • Manual editing of prices should only be needed in very specific situations where there is a exceptional reason for the change - not for regular use cases.

  • NOTE: any manual pricing is cleared every time the Enrolment is repriced (when booking durations or options are changed for example). The system will automatically look again at the price list and pull through the price for the new duration or options, over-writing any manual changes that have been entered. This can be time-consuming to amend and is one of the key reasons it is recommended to only manually change prices if you have to.

  • If the booking needs to be discounted or a specific level of commission given other than normal, then it is preferable to enter this in the booking itself in the Enrolment Booking Finance Details section - more information on this can be found here. Any changes made here are not cleared on a reprice of the enrolment.

Manually Editing Prices

Prices can only be edited on unposted finance. Once posted, the finance is locked.

  • Open the Enrolment

  • Go down to reveal the unposted finance in the Enrolment Finance Details panel

  • Press Edit next to the finance you wish to amend.

  • This will open a new screen with the finance calculations displayed.

  • Adjust the Quantity and/or Unit Amount as required.

  • The Total Amount will recalculate automatically on screen for you to check.

    • Any taxes will be recalculated on Save.

  • Save to return to the main Enrolment screen.

  • The finance will display as entered and is ready to be invoiced.

  • This does not affect the duration of the booking which is used in the delivery of the booking. Any changes only affect the finance.

  • To reiterate, this should be done as a last resort only.

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  • Try searching for keywords at the top of the screen, or browse the full wiki contents in the left-hand panel.
  • If you need further support, please login to your Service Desk account and raise a support ticket here or email full details to support@schoolworks.co.uk.
  • Full details of Schoolworks Support Best Practice and Process can be found here.