Customising your Navigation Bar
This article explains how to customise your Navigation Bar, adjusting the Tabs that appear and the order in which they appear.
The Navigation Bar is at the top of the screen and visible from all screens:
Tabs are shortcuts to the various screens you use.
When you log in to Schoolworks for the first time you will see a series of default Tabs, some of which you may not need for your role, while others that you will need may be missing.
You may wish to customise the Navigation Bar for how you want to work - you can add, remove or change the order of the Tabs.
Note: Although there are Tabs called Enrolments and Bookings, please do not use these to create or change enrolments and / or bookings. Enrolments and bookings should always be accessed from the Student Account record.
Adding Tabs to the Navigation Bar
On the right hand side of the Navigation Bar is a small pencil icon. Click on this to edit the Navigation Bar.
This will display a list of all the Tabs that are currently visible in your account:
To add more Tabs, click on the “Add More Items” button:
Click on “All” in the left hand panel.
Start typing the name of the Tab you wish to add, or scroll through the available tabs (please note, access to some tabs may depend on your user permissions)
Click the plus icon next to the desired tab then the “Add Nav Item” button to add the tab to your Navigation Bar (in the example below, we are adding the Enquiries tab):
Repositioning Tabs on the Navigation Bar
You can use the handles to the left of each tab to move the tab up (left) and down (right) on your Navigation Bar.
Press Save when are finished:
Removing Tabs from the Navigation Bar
It is possible to remove the Tabs you have added to your Navigation Bar by clicking the X to the right hand side of the tab, then pressing Save:
Note: some tabs are visible by default for the Profile your user account is configured to use. If you wish to remove further tabs from your Navigation Bar, please contact your System Administrator.
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