Basic Navigation

Basic Navigation

  • This article gives an introduction to the basic navigation of Schoolworks.

  • For more details on the particular sections and functions of the system, please browse for the relevant help page.

  • Please note the components and layout of your school’s system may look different to the screenshots shown here depending on how your system has been configured and customised.

Home Page Overview

  • When you log in to the system, you will always be taken to your Home Page.

  1. Global Search - you can search here for anything: students, agents, accommodation providers, invoice numbers etc.

  2. Navigation Bar - containing a range of different Tabs. These Tabs are shortcuts to the different areas of the system.

  3. Dashboard - The main content of the screen typically displays a home screen dashboard with key metrics about the operations of your school.

  4. Activity Feed - a feed of comments, tasks and/or events related to your work or school operations

Default Navigation Bar Tabs

  • Your user account will come with a default set of tabs in your Navigation Bar.

  • A summary of these tabs follows, but it is important to gain an understanding of the basic structure of the system by reviewing this article.

    • It is worth taking a moment to click through the different tabs to familiarise yourself with the appearance. and functionality.

    • Please note, the first time you load each functional screen may take a moment longer than usual while your user account builds a cache of these pages.






Lists all Accounts (Students, Agents, Companies, Accommodation Providers, Teachers etc.)


Lists all Enrolments (the student “stay” with your School).


Lists all Bookings (the individual Bookings for each Student, such as Course Bookings, Accommodation Bookings, Transfer Bookings etc.)


Lists all Classes at your school.


A functional screen where Students can be placed in Classes.


A functional screen where the schoole timetable can be viewed and private classes can be scheduled.


A functional screen where Students can be placed in Accommodation.

Price Items

Lists all PriceItems (which contain the financial details of your Services)


Lists all Services that your school providers (such as Courses, Accommodation, Transfers etc)


Lists all Class and Accommodation Rooms


A functional screen where Reports can be viewed, created and edited.


A functional screen where Dashboards can be viewed, created and edited.

Formatted Reports

A functional screen where bulk documents (such as Leaving Certificates) can be created.

Batch Emails

A functional screen where bulk emails can be sent to Students, Agents, or other lists.

Batch Payments

A functional sceen where lists of accommodation provider payments can be generated.

System Objects

Allows access to all Objects in the system.

  • Note: some of these tabs may not be available depending on your user permissions.

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Can’t find what you need?

  • Try searching for keywords at the top of the screen, or browse the full Knowledgebase contents in the left-hand panel.
  • If you need further support, please login to your Service Desk account and raise a support ticket here or email full details to support@schoolworks.io.
  • Full details of Schoolworks Support Best Practice and Process can be found here.