School Holidays

  • Periods during which the school is closed can be managed using ‘School Holiday’ records.

  • School Holidays can optionally adjust finance and will automatically adjust tuition time, and time logged for attendance.

  • There are rules to control how Course Bookings are affected by School Holidays. For example, sometimes you may wish to not charge the student for the holiday period (typically longer periods like Xmas) and in other cases you may wish to charge them (typically shorter holiday periods like public holidays).

Setting up a new School Holiday

  • Go to System Objects and select the School Holiday object.

  • You can select “All” in the drop down to view a list of School Holiday records already created:

  • To set up a new holiday, click “New” and the following dialogue box will open:

  • A new holiday will need to be created for each day or period that the school will be closed.

    • Enter Start Date and End Date of the holiday (if it is only a one day holiday, use the same date for the start/end)

    • Add a reason, e.g. Easter Public Holiday Monday or Christmas Break.

    • Search for the School Holiday Rule you wish to use

    • Select the School for which this holiday will apply; a New School Holiday will need to be created for each School in your system.

    • Ensure Active and Portal Active are ticked, then Save or Save & New if you have a number of holidays to create.

School Holiday Rules

  • The way the school holidays are processed depends on the holiday rule assigned to each holiday date.


Rule 1 (Compensate)

  • When Rule 1 is applied, the system will not charge the student for that period - this is typically used across longer holiday periods such as Xmas. Example:

    • Student has booked a two week course from 14th December 2021 to 8th January 2022

    • The school is closed from 25th December to 1st January.

    • Creating a school holiday record, Rule 1, Start 14/12/21 End 8/1/22 will result in Schoolworks calculating Tuition and Finance for two weeks.

  • Schoolworks will automatically manage attendance and remove the student from classes when the school is closed.


Rule 2 (Do not compensate)

  • When Rule 2 is applied the student will be charged for the School Holiday. Example:

    • Student has booked a two week course from 01/04 to 12/04.

    • The 08/04 is a Public Holiday and the school is closed for one day.

    • With Rule 2 applied, when the booking is made, the student will be charged for the full two week booking. There will be no reduction in the amount charged.

  • Schoolworks will automatically manage attendance and remove the student from classes when the school is closed.

  • The student will be able to study for 9 days of their course booking.


Rule 3 (Compensate - sometimes adjust price based on booking length)

  • When Rule 3 is applied, the student might be charged finance depending on the length of the booking.

  • This is typically used if you wish to compensate the student when a short course is booked, but not to compensate the student if a long course is booked. Example:

    • Student has booked a two week course from 01/04 to 12/04.

    • The 08/04 is a Public Holiday and the school is closed for one day.

    • With Rule 3 applied, the system will adjust the price and charge for 1 week and 4 days; reducing the price of the course by the one day holiday.

    • The student will study and will pay for 9 days of their course booking.

    • Student has booked a four week course from 01/04 to 26/04

    • The system will charge the student for the full four weeks.


Please note: for bookings that begin on a School Holiday, e.g. a Public Holiday Monday, the system will automatically adjust the course start date to the Tuesday of that week. The correct start date will appear on documentation.

School Holidays Rules ONLY apply to course bookings. Accommodation, transfers etc are NOT affected.


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