What is a Price Item?
Services link to a Priceitem controls the finance attributes such as nominal posting accounts, rounding rules. Priceitems then link to Prices to determine Price.
There are different types of Priceitems which can be configured – course, accommodation, transfer, insurance, exam and sundry.
Typically there will be a one Priceitem per service, although we might also reuse the same priceitem across multiple services to avoid having to recreate complex pricing structures for each one.
A price defines in units how much a priceitem and therefore service is sold for E.g. The weekly price for 4 weeks for GE is £450.00 per week
A price list organises prices by period – typically an annual pricelist E.g. Standard 2015, Standard 2016 price lists. A price list has a valid start / from and end / to date. Active price lists within the same price list group should not have overlapping dates
A price list group organises price lists together (typically a geographic region) E.g. Standard, EMEA etc.
Other PriceItem settings include:
PriceItem Code
A short code used throughout Schoolworks typically on screen to represent the priceitem.
PriceItem Name
A name used throughout Schoolworks typically on screen to represent the priceitem
PriceItem Description
A longer description used throughout Schoolworks typically on screen to represent the priceitem
PriceItem Group
Used to group together Priceitems for statistical purposes
Finance Currency
Default currency of the priceitem when adding prices
Does the price record include or exclude Tax (see Finance Tax Code)
Finance Tax Code
Tax code to be applied to the price
Default Sign on Manual Inv/Cre
If this Priceitem is used in a manual invoice/credit, force the sign of the result
Default Price Unit
Defaults the unit for prices
Default School
Used for reporting and statistics
Record Type
Course, Individual Tuition, Accommodation, Transfer, Exam, Sundry
Booking Fee Only One Per Enrolment
Only apply a booking fee once per enrolment
(Otherwise once per booking)
Cancel Fee Only One Per Enrolment
If configured, only apply a cancel fee once per enrolment
Do Not Reverse On Cancel
Do not reverse fee upon cancellation
Useful when applied to booking fees to ‘keep’ the booking fee
Do Not Reverse On Change
Do not reverse fee upon change
Useful when applied to booking fees to ‘keep’ the change fee
Finance Nominal
Nominal Sales
Finance Nominal account to post Sale to
Nominal Sales Unearned
If Nominal Sales Post as Unearned is ticked, then
Finance Nominal account to post Unearned Sale to
Nominal Sales Post as Unearned
When ticked, post sales to the sales unearned account
Nominal Agent Discount
Finance Nominal account to post Agent Discounts to
Nominal Agent Discount Unearned
Finance Nominal account to post unearned Agent Discounts to
Nominal Agent Discount Post As Unearned
When ticked, post agent discounts to this account
Nominal Commission
Finance Nominal account to post Commissions to this account
Nominal Commission Unearned
Finance Nominal account to post unearned Commissions to this account
Nominal Commission Post As Unearned
When ticked, post sales to the Commission Unearned account
Nominal Discount
When ticked, post discounts to this account
Nominal Discount Unearned
When ticked, discounts to this account
Nominal Discount Post as Unearned
When ticked, post discounts to the Discount Unearned account
Duration Calculation
Apply School Holidays
Adjust finance to take into account School Holidays
Typically ticked for course, unticked for accommodation
Apply Rule 2&3
Adjust finance to take into account short holidays (e.g. Easter)
Apply Student Holidays
Adjust finance to take into account student holidays
Aggregate Pricing
Adjust the pricing rate chosen by the total weeks of all other services with the same record type, within an enrolment and where Aggregate Pricing OR Aggregate Add Only is ticked.
Aggregate Add Only
Do not adjust the pricing rate of this priceitem, but add the duration of this priceitem towards the aggregate rate of other priceitems which have aggregate pricing ticked
Apply Weekly Round Up
When ticked, apply a roundup to the nearest week if the number of days is between the following:
Apply Week RoundUp From
Apply Week RoundUp To
Apply Weekly Round Down
When ticked, apply a round down to the nearest week if the number of days is between the following:
Apply Week RoundDown From
Apply Week RoundDown To
Last Week Night Offset
When ticked, add one day / night to the total
Typically used in accommodation when 1 week and 6 nights are to be treated as 2 weeks
NB, For more details on the rounding and Duration Offset, please see here.
Where do I find PriceItems?
You can do a general search for a PriceItem or you can open the PriceItem tab and use a view to display particular PriceItem types.
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