Schoolworks Support - Best Practices and Process
This article explains how to best contact Schoolworks Support for a quick resolution to your issue.
Prior to contacting Schoolworks Support, please assess all other support options available to you:
Consult your colleagues or Line Manager
Contact your school’s System Administrator
Search the Schoolworks Knowledgebase:
Schoolworks Technical Support
Schoolworks Technical support is included with your Schoolworks licensing fee and is for help related to a feature of Schoolworks which is not working - typically a bug or system malfunction.
Additional support such as training, help with reporting, document creation, setup of Schoolworks (products, pricing, templates) integrations will typically incur additional time based fees or a premium support package.
We will advise if this is the case.
Technical support requests can either be made via our Support Portal or via an email request to
In either case, we will need to have a user account setup in our Support System (Atlassian) so that your email address is recognised by our ticketing system.
If you have not submitted a request before or you have just joined your school please ask your manager or HR department to send an email with your details - first/last name, department and email address to so we can set up a support account for you.
Support Ticket Best Practices
So that we can provide fast and efficient support and avoid unnecessary to and fro messages, please consider the following best practices:
Please consider the nature of the support request and if the support is covered by your plan
Email to:
This automatically creates a TICKET for your request - (please see process below)
Please avoid emailing Schoolworks staff directly as this won’t create a TICKET acknowledgement and will slow down our ability to provide assistance
Email Subject
The email subject is used in our ticket name in our support desk to identify your specific issue
Please use a short descriptive in the email subject to help distinguish your ticket from everyone else's and to avoid confusion
e.g. Teacher (Bob Smith) cannot login - Urgent is much better than Help needed
Email body/content
Please describe your problem with as much information as possible
e.g. For Student ST-65241 we can’t book the GE Course for 2 weeks from 4th May 2023 to 10th April 2023 is much better than Enrolment screen is not working
Please describe all the steps we need to follow to replicate the problem you are having
We test for most situations so it is likely you may have found a very specific problem that requires more complicated steps to reproduce
Please describe both the error but also what you expect to see
e.g. Finance for the Booking ID 2323 should be £2499.50 but the screen is showing incorrect as £2200.50 is much better than Finance is incorrect
Please describe the urgency of your request
If your issue is preventing you or a group of users please help us prioritise your request
Please also advise if your request is not urgent or ideally when you would like your issue resolved
This will help us assign our resource to those who really need it
Use screen shots where possible
A picture tells a thousand words and will help us see what you are seeing
Please include a FULL screenshot of your screen rather than just a snippet of the screen, as this may help us to better understand the context of the issue
Use URL links to the records in your Schoolworks
The quicker we can get to a record in your system and replicate the problem, the faster we can help you
e.g. This is the record I am having problems with:
Pleases (and thanks in advance!)
Please send a new email, new subject line for your new request.
Please don’t forward a long email chain or discussions from multiple people as it may take longer for us to process or understand it, or we may ask you to resubmit a request
Please make further replies or follow ups regarding the same issue with the TICKET-XXXX in the subject - see further communications below
This avoids creating multiple new tickets for the same issue
Please avoid using coloured text (we can’t see it on the ticket)
Best Practice Email example:
Further Support Communications (on the same issue)
Please respond to further communications about your support ticket either via the support portal OR by replying to the specific support email with the TICKET-XXXX in the subject line
Please don’t use coloured text in your reply as we can’t see it in our support system
Please don’t ‘reply’ to questions further down the original/previous message
Instead, please reply with a new content, at the top of the email as otherwise we won’t see your response
Please don’t reply to different support ticket emails or forward on older support emails
These may add your response to a different ticket or that ticket may already be closed in which case we may not see your response
Example of a further communication email:
Support Process
The following are the triage steps for support resolution
Submission of support request
Auto acknowledgement email confirming we have received your request:
If you don’t receive an (almost) instant reply from our system with a TICKET-XXXX in the email, it means we have not received your request and are unlikely to action it. The typical reason is you have not been setup in our support desk (please see earlier about registration)
Issue and Priority Assignment
Within 30 mins (business hours) your Issue will be assigned to a support consultant and priority assigned and you will receive a confirmation email with those details and when you can expect a further response
If you feel the priority level is not appropriate please reply stating your desired priority and rationale
Much as we would like to resolve all requests as quickly as possible we use priority to ensure the most urgent requests are dealt with first
Our Priority and corresponding reporting and resolution levels are
User or Users severely impacted and unable to perform usual functions and no work arounds exist
Initial response within 1 hour
Hourly updates
We aim to resolve within one business day
User impacted and unable to perform a usual function however work arounds may exist or can be put in place
Initial response within 4 hours
Daily updates
We aim to resolve within two business days
User or users not impacted - typically minor feature updates
Initial Response within 1 business day
Regular updates during the week
We aim to resolve within one week
User or users not impacted - typically larger feature updates or changes
Initial Response within 1 week
Weekly updates
We aim to resolve within one month
User or users not impacted - typically larger feature updates or changes
Initial response within 1 month
Monthly updates
We aim to resolve within three months
Premium Support
Schoolworks offers additional premium support plans which can offer help with the following:
Configuration of Schoolworks or your Salesforce
Setting up new products, schools, features
Assistance with the Salesforce Platform
Help with building your own custom reports and dashboards
Setting up automation
We can offer support on a rolling monthly basis (e.g. 'x' hours per month) or you can purchase a discounted block of hours.
If your implementation project is complete and no premium support plan is in place, our standard adhoc hourly fees will apply for non-technical support. You will be advised if support charges apply.
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