Enrolments - Emails

Enrolments - Emails

It is possible to email the student, agent, agent contact, company contact, accommodation provider or anyone related to the Enrolment from the email screen.

Sending Emails

  • Open the Enrolment for the student that you wish to email.

  • Navigate down to the “Emails” panel.

  • Click on “Create Email”. This will open the “Documents” screen.

Preparing and Sending your Email

  1. Select the From address. This will default to the logged in user’s address, but often schools prefer to send from a generic address such as info@myschool.com or accommodation@myschool.com. If configured, these addresses will appear in this list.

  2. Select the recipient email. Any associated email addresses will appear in this list.

  3. Click the arrow to move the address across to the To box. If you wish to email a different email address, this can be typed in the To or CC boxes.

    1. Note: to add more than one address, separate the addresses with a semi-colon “;” with no spaces, for example test@test.com;test2@test.com

  4. Add a BCC address if required. This will default to the logged in user’s address so the sender receives a copy of the email for their records, but this can be edited.

  5. Select the appropriate correspondance language.

  6. Select the appropriate email template. A number of email templates are configured in your system to merge in data from the Account or Enrolment.

  7. Check the Subject line and edit the Message body as required.

  8. Tick the boxes next to any of the documents you would like to attach to the email. These were either generated in the previous step or have been uploaded to your system to be available for attachment. These will be sent in PDF format.

  9. If required, it is also possible to attach a local file from your computer by clicking the Attach File button.

  10. Review all and when ready, press Send. This will send the message and return you to the Enrolment screen.

Emails Panel

  • The Emails panel will then display a list of the emails sent from the Enrolment.

  • It is possible to review these by clicking on “View” for each email sent.


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  • Try searching for keywords at the top of the screen, or browse the full Knowledgebase contents in the left-hand panel.
  • If you need further support, please login to your Service Desk account and raise a support ticket here or email full details to support@schoolworks.io.
  • Full details of Schoolworks Support Best Practice and Process can be found here.