Teacher Portal - Past & Future Lessons View

The Teacher Lessons screen displays todays lessons, future lessons and previous lessons.



Future Lessons

This area allows the teacher to see scheduled lessons ahead and to view students in the View Students screen.

The future lessons can be controlled by a setting on the Teacher Account record ‘Portal Teacher Future Classes Days’

By default, this is the number of days from this weeks Monday that the teacher can view.

There is a Schoolworks custom setting which administrators can change, which alters the calculation to strictly TODAY.


Past Lessons

This area allows the teacher to see scheduled lessons ahead and to view students in the View Students screen and to add or update attendance.

The past lessons can be controlled by a setting on the Teacher Account record ‘Portal Teacher Past Classes Days’



Tip: these can be updated en-masse in a list view on the Account



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  • Full details of Schoolworks Support Best Practice and Process can be found here.