Activating a Teacher Portal Account

  • This article advises how to activate a Teacher Portal Account so the teacher can log in and view their Classes, mark attendance and create Learner Plans.

  • The functionality of the Teacher Portal may vary from School to School - please check with your System Administrator the functionality available in your system.

  • For a Teacher Portal Account to be activated, you must first have created a Teacher Account for them. Please see this article for instructions on how to do this.

  • Access to the Teacher Portal also requires a Teacher Portal license for each teacher. Please check with your System Administrator if you would like more licenses.

  • Login to your Org and find the Teacher Account you wish to give access to the Teacher Portal.

  • Check the email address is correct and that the Status Teacher is set to “Active”.

  • Note: the screen layout may vary from School to School.

  • Click on Contact Login User, then click on the Contact record name to go through to their Contact record:

  • When in the Contact record, check all the details look correct, in particular the email address, then click “Enable Customer User” at the top right (this button may also be in a drop-down menu):

  • This will take you through to the Setup area of the system, and to the Teacher User record specifically:

  • Select Schoolworks Teacher Portal in the Profile drop-down, then press Save.

  • The system will then immediately email the Teacher asking them to verify their email address and to set up a password.

  • It is not possible to view any users' passwords. If they forget their password, please see the troubleshooting steps below.

  • To access the teacher portal, your organisation will have a unique URL, but structured as follows:


    • Please check with your System Administrator if you do not know your portal name.

  • To exit Setup and return to Schoolworks, click on the 9 dots in the top left and then select Schoolworks. If Schoolworks doesn’t appear in the list, then type it in the “Search apps and items…” box.

  • Alternatively, you can close the window and log back into Schoolworks as normal.


Teacher Has Forgotton Password

  • On the portal login screen, there is a “Forgot your Password” link.

  • The teachers can click on this, enter their username and a password reset email will be sent to the registered email address on their User Account.

  • If the teacher cannot remember their username, you can send them a password reset link from within the system.

  • As above, go to the Teacher Account, click on the Contact Login User tab and click on their name to take you through to their Contact record.

  • When in the Contact record, click on “View Customer User” which will take you through to the Setup area, specifically their User record:

  • When viewing their user record, there is a “Reset Password” button at the top - click this, the system will confirm the action with you.

  • The teacher will then immediately be emailed a link to the registered email address which they can click on to reset their password.


Can’t find what you need?

  • Try searching for keywords at the top of the screen, or browse the full wiki contents in the left-hand panel.
  • If you need further support, please login to your Service Desk account and raise a support ticket here or email full details to
  • Full details of Schoolworks Support Best Practice and Process can be found here.