SMS Text Messaging

Schoolworks offers SMS Text Messaging via our SMS Partner ValueText application in the following ways:

  • Single Message via a student, teacher or accommodation record

  • Single or Bulk Message via a View list on an object

  • Bulk Message via using a Salesforce Report

  • SMS Message automation via schedule

  • SMS Message automation via Workflow or Process Builder

We are currently developing various SMS message entry points via the Scheduling and Classing screens to make it even easier to send SMS messages.


Bulk Messaging via a pre-saved Report

It is possible to build use a report as a target list of SMS messages.

Reports are particularly useful as the full extent of Salesforce report filters - such as cross object filters - can be used to generate a complex dataset.

Quick Steps

  1. Create the target report and ensure the report has a valid mobile phone number field

  2. Open the ValueText SMS Test Application

  3. Select Report to Text

  4. Enter the source report name

  5. Select ‘Analyze’

  6. Select the Source Data Object

  7. Select ‘Send now’ or ‘Dynamic Schedule’

Detailed Steps

  1. Create the target report and ensure the report has a valid mobile phone number field

A report may have made already or check the ‘SMS Reports' folders in Reports

2. Open the ValueText SMS Test Application

3. Select Texting from Reports


4. Enter the Source Report name, Analyze Report, Data Source, then Send Now or Dynamic Schedule


5. Send Now


6. Schedule


Can’t find what you need?

  • Try searching for keywords at the top of the screen, or browse the full wiki contents in the left-hand panel.
  • If you need further support, please login to your Service Desk account and raise a support ticket here or email full details to
  • Full details of Schoolworks Support Best Practice and Process can be found here.