Sales Cloud Integration

Schoolworks implements RecordTypes on the Lead, Account, Contact and Opportunity Objects to manage different use cases.

From the Lead Stage:


Lead Type - formula field of the RecordType Name

Lead ID - Salesforce Record ID of the Lead


Lead Record Types

Direct Student

Existing Agent

New Agent

Company Training

Account Record Types


Opportunity Record Types

Direct Student
Agent Student
Agent Group
Company Student
Company Group


Lead Conversion

Schoolworks has a special ‘isFromLead' tickbox on the Lead record which is copied to the Account and Opportunity records so that we know they were created from a Lead.

This tickbox is set by default on the lead and must be ticked by any integration creating Lead records.

There are triggers that execute on the creation of Account and Opportunity that set the appropriate RecordTypes on those Objects.

When isFromLead is ticked, on the creation of an Opportunity a trigger runs which maps the Opportunity Record Type to the Account Record Type.


Mapping of Lead RecordTypes to Opportunity Record Types

Direct Student → Direct Student

Existing Agent --> Agent Student

New Agent --> Agent Student

Company Training --> Company Group

Validation Filter Rule - there is currently a validation rule on the Opportunity which enforces this, which will be a problem for Sales Cloud customers using other custom record types.




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