This article advises how to create a new Accommodation Provider Account record in Schoolworks.
Once an Accommodation Provider Account has been created and associated with the Service and School, students can be placed with the provider.
Creating the Accommodation Account Record
Login to your Org and click on the Accounts tab.
Click on New in the top right corner, then select the “Accommodation” record type and Next:
This will open the new account screen.
There are a number of fields to consider here, dealt with by section:
Account Information - enter the name and contact details of the provider
Address Information - enter the adddress of the provider.
Note this will feed through to the Student Account on placement.
Billing Address - enter a billing address if different
For example, a residence may have both a physical address and a Head Office billing address
Transport Information - these fields can be used in emails and documents for the student
Finance Settings IMPORTANT
Accommodation Payment - In order for the provider to appear in the Accommodation Batch Payments process, this must be ticked
Accommodation Payment Hold - if there is a reason you wish to suspend payments to the provider, tick this box and they will be excluded from the batch payment process
Accommodation Payment Price List Group - typically enter “Standard” here
Accommodation Payment Price List - leave balnk unless the provider should be fixed on to a specific price list
For further details, please see this article.
Bank Details - enter the details here
Note these are encrypted fields, so will appear masked unless the user has permission to view them
Compliance Checks - enter the details as appropriate.
It is possible to add additional custom fields here if you wish to track other information on the provider. Speak to your System Administrator.
Exclusion Preferences
Enter any host preferences here. This will filter the students available to place with the host in the Accommodation screen.
Click Save when complete. You can always come back to the record to add other details later.
Related Records
Across the top of the Accommodation Account, you will now see a number of tabs that hold related records to the Accommodation Account.
It is necessary to create some related records before it is possible to place any students with the provider.
Accommodation Contacts
It is possible to associate more than one person with the Accommodation Provider.
You may like to add the mother, father, son, daughter etc to the account to keep track of the different contact details for each.
Supplier Services
It is necessary to associate all Accommodation Providers with the Services they are able to deliver.
This allows the system to understand a Homestay provider can deliver accommodation for students who have booked the Homestay Service.
This section also associates the Accommodation Provider with how much they should be paid for each placement.
Click New to create a new Supplier Service record, and enter the name of the delivery Service (what the student is buying) and the Cost Service (how much the provider should be paid
IOf you are not sure which Services to use here, check an alternative provider that you know works, or seek support from your System Administrator.
Most providers only have one Supplier Services record, but it is possibly to have more than one.
For example, a homestay provider may sell their room as a Homestay Room or an Apartment, which might be priced differently for the customer.
Next, it is necessary to create the Rooms the provider has available. These are known in Schoolworks as “Resources”.
Click on New Resource which will take you through to a new screen. Complete the details as follows:
Resource Name - the name of the room (enter in both fields, these appear in different parts of the system)
Capacity - the maximum number of students that can be placed in the room.
Location - leave blank
Description/Amenities - enter if required, these can feed through to documents and emailsl
Exclusions - enter any specific exclusions for the room (in addition to the Account level exclusions)
Room Availability/Unavailability - typically, it is preferable to put “long” dates on the Availability, then add specific weeks the room may be unavailable in the Unavailability section.
This saves time in having to continually update the availability.
Unavailability could include when the host is away on holiday, or the room is being refurbished for example.
Room Options - move the Room Options (fed from the Service) that the room can deliver. For example if students booking Full Board, Half Board and Self-Catering options can be place in here, add these to the right hand side. if the room is a Single Room, not Double, then only add the Single Room option.
These options will vary depending on what options your school sells.
If the option is not added that matches what the student has booked, the room will not appear in the placement screen when trying to place the student.
When finished, the record will look something like this:
Once the Teacher Account record has been saved, you need to add the Schools the teacher will be teaching in. The Account School record allows the teacher to be selected when setting up lessons in the Classes screen.
In the Teacher Account screen, click on the Schools tab, then New and search for the School they will be teaching at, then Save.
Note: it is possible for a Teacher to have more than one Account School record if they will be teaching across multiple schools or locations. Add as many as required.
The Teacher will now be available to allocate to Lessons in your Classes.
If you would also like to give the Teacher access to the Teacher Portal, please follow the separate guide here.
Deactivating Teachers
When a teacher leaves your organisation, it is important to update their record so they no longer appear for selection in the Classes screen.
Go to their Account record, double click on the Status Teacher field, change to Inactive and Save.
You can change their status back to Active again in future if they return to work for you, instead of setting up a new Account.
If you would also like to remove the Teacher access to the Teacher Portal, please follow the separate guide here.