Once the bookings have been added, you can edit or cancel them individually.
IMPORTANT: Please consider the state of the Enrolment Finance before editing or cancelling any bookings to understand the impact of any changes.
Any edits made to the bookings will clear any manual pricing that has been entered.
If the Enrolment has not yet been invoiced, any cancelled bookings will be hidden from view, but can be viewed using the “Hide Cancelled” button.
If the Enrolment has been invoiced (or the booking has been invoiced using the Partial Invoice function) if the Booking is edited to reduce the number of weeks then a Credit Note will be created to reflect the drop in fees due
If the Enrolment has been invoiced (or the booking has been invoiced using the Partial Invoice function) if the Booking is edited to increase the number of weeks then a Difference invoice will be created for the uplift in fees
If the Enrolment has been invoiced (or the booking has been invoiced using the Partial Invoice function) if the Booking is edited to increase the number of weeks then a Difference invoice will be created for the uplift in fees.
If the Enrolment has been invoiced (or the booking has been invoiced using the Partial Invoice function) if the Booking is Cancelled then a Credit Note will be created to reflect the drop in fees due.
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