It is possible to manually amend the price of the first instalment if you require to charge the student a lower amount for any portion of the period missed.
Click Edit next to the relevant instalment and change the Unit Amount field, then Save.
Please note Please see this article for further details on manually editing prices.
NOTE - if the Enrolment is repriced for any reason in future (further change of bookings, dates, options etc), then this manual amendment will be cleared and will need to be re-entered.
Invoice the instalments as usual.
Student subsequently ends their course early (in April).
Go into the Booking, change the end date.
The remaining unposted instalments are no longer displayed.
The final instalment amount can be manually edited if required.
Note, NOTE - it’s fine to ignore the Credits and new unposted instalments for those CreSale and Sale lines for the instalments already paid.
Go ahead and invoice the remaining instalments as normal.:
If the student has already paid for the instalment in advance and cancels early, post the CreSale line for that instalment to create a Credit Note. This can then be used to process a refund for the student.
Case 3 - A student would like to change the way they pay for the course, i.e. switch instalment type for example from termly to monthly.
Edit the booking to change the end date to the last date in the instalment period before the change is to take place.
Add a new booking for the same course with the start date as the date of the subsequent enrolment to the end of the course with the new payment option.
As above, if the booking falls at least one day in an instalment period, they will be charged the full price for that period.
Manually amend the price of any instalments as required, and invoice the remaining instalments as usual.
NOTE - cancelling any booking that has already been delivered will delete all placements and attendance data. This cannot be recovered.
Example 1: student books course originally with 9 monthly instalments, then wants to change to termly instalments from 01/12: