Student Account - Address fields
On the student account record there are four sections for recording and managing the student's address and other contact information.
This article describes how the system is designed to work.
1) Email and phone have been separated from the main section to make it easier to find them.
2) The second section, ‘Address Information’, has options to enter three different address types. If the student only has one address then only one of the address types needs to be completed, Home for instance.
NOTE: The Local Address is updated when the student is placed into school organised accommodation; it is only filled in manually when a student has not arranged accommodation with the school and to record where they are staying whilst studying.
3) The third section, ‘Document Address Routes’, has two pick lists, one for Billing Address (for all finance documents, including invoices) and one for Mailing Address (for all other documents, e.g. Confirmation letters). Choosing an address route will populate the appropriate address type in the section below.
Both have the same options in the picklist: Home, Work, Local, Other.
The user can then select which of the above four addresses should be used for each of the address routes. The same address type can be used for both.
If you wish to change the address that gets populated on a document or an invoice, then change the appropriate field to a different address type.
4) The final section, ‘Document Addresses’, is populated by the address details selected above. These fields are no longer manually updatable and are for display purposes only. If you do edit these fields, clicking on ‘Save’ will just overwrite them with the selections made in the routing section.
NOTE: The ‘Document Addresses’ are only created or updated when ‘Save’ is clicked.
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