Creating an Agent Account

  • This article advises how to create a new Agent Account record.

  • Once an Agent Account has been created and associated with the School, it can be linked to Students and Enrolments.

  • Much like Student Accounts, always check to see if the Agent Account already exists in the system, potentially under a different name.

    • It is important to minimise duplicate records wherever possible.

Creating an Agent Account

  • Click on the Accounts tab in your navigation bar

  • Click on New in the top right corner, then select the “Agent” record type and Next:

  • This will open the new account screen, where the details of the agent can be completed.

    • Your system will have a number of standard fields, but custom fields can be added to this page to track additional information as required by your school.

    • The layout of the fields and sections can also be customised - please speak to your System Administrator.

    • Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterics.

  • There are a number of fields to consider here, dealt with by section:

    • Account Information - enter the name the agent typically operates under together wuth all known contact details.

      • Typically a separate Agent Account is created for each branch of a larger chain of agents, but it is possible to link these together with a Parent Account if required.

      • The Account Owner should be the Sales Representative that is responsible for the Agent.

        • This ownerships feeds through into Opportunities and Activities for the Agent.

      • Use the Status field to mark whether the Agent is Prospective, Active, Suspended or Inactive.

      • It’s a good idea to make Agents you no longer use Inactive in order to keep reports and list views displaying the most relevant information.

        • Never delete any records - please speak to your System Administrator if you find duplicate records and would like them to be merged.

    • Finance Defaults

      • Please see section below.

    • Address Information - enter the adddress of the Agent.

    • Pop-up note - use this functionality to display a note on page load if required.

    • Visits & Reviews - use these fields to track your visit history with the Agent

    • Travel Directions - use these fields to enter useful transport information for visiting the Agent

    • Addiitional custom fields can easily be added to this page to track additional information if required - speak to your System Administrator.

  • Click Save when complete. You can always come back to the record to add other details later.

Agent Finance Defaults

  • These fields can control how the finance is processed on any related Student Enrolments.

  • Discount Percent

    • The amount of discount (on Gross Fees, prior to Commssion, visible to Student) applied to ALL Services that are Discountable

      • Whether or not a Service is Discountable is configured in the PriceItem

  • Commission Percent

    • The amount of commission applied to ALL Services that are commissionable

      • Whether or not a Service is Commissionable is configured in the PriceItem

      • Please see this article for further information on Agent Commissions.

  • Commission calculated on Sale incl Tax

    • Controls whether Commission should be applied before or after tax is deducted (if applicable)

  • Commission Finance Tax Code

    • Relates to any tax code required for commissions. EXP = Exempt.

  • Invoice Method

    • This is a default only, and can be adjusted per Enrolment, but will default any related Enrolments to this invoice method.

    • For more information on Invocie Methods, please see this article.

  • Invoice Changes to Student

    • Controls the behaviour of when the student should be invoiced, typically after Enrolment Start Date for any extensions/additions, but some Agents prefer to be invoiced for everything.

    • Again, this is a default and can be adjusted within the Enrolment.

  • Credit/Reinvoice Override

    • Controls how Credit and Reinvoice is typically applied.

    • Credit/Reinvoice determines whether the Enrolment should be fully reinvoiced when any changes are made, to produce a new invoice covering the whole Enrolment, or whether any changes should generate an additional “difference” invoice.

    • For more information on Credit/Reinvoice, please see this article.

  • Price List Group

    • Typically “Standard”, but it is possible to fix an Agent to a particular group of Price Lists.

    • Price List Groups can be used to hold different price lists for different markets, or to manage Finance Promotions.

  • Price list

    • Typically left blank, meaning any related Enrolment will assume the active Price List.

    • In some cases, it is desirable to “fix” an Agent to a particular price list - in this is the case, enter the Price List name here.

  • Finance Currency

    • Each Agent record can only operate in a single currency

  • Process Documents As

    • Determines which address are used on the documents, typically “Agent Enrolment”

  • Payment Method

  • Invoice Due Period

    • This value detemines the number of days prior to the Enrolment Start Date the invoice is due.

    • This also then determines how any debt is treated on the Aged Debt report.

Related Records

  • Across the top of the Agent Account, you will see a number of tabs that hold related records to the Account.

Agent Contacts

  • Once the Agent Account has been saved, you can add any Contacts you have at the agency.

    • You can add as many Contacts as you wish - some larger agents may have more than 20; smaller agents often only have one or two.

  • Click on the Contacts tab, then select “New Agent Contact”

  • Add in as many details as you have and Save.

    • Like the main Agent Account, it is possible to customise the fields that are displayed on this page, the page layout, and add custom fields if required.

    • Once an Agent Contact has been created, it is possible to link it to a specific Student or Enrolment, to allow that Contact to be emailed directly from the Enrolment.

Commissions & Overrides


  • Once the Agent Account record has been saved, you need to add the Schools the agent will be sending students to.

  • In the Agent Account screen, click on the Schools tab, then New and search for the School they will be sending students to, then Save.

    • It is possible for an Agent to have more than one Account School record if they will be sending students to multiple schools or locations. Add as many as required.


  • This list will display any related Enrolments to the Agent.

  • it is not possible to create a new enrolment for here - always do this from the Student Account.

Documents & Activity

  • Create Documents here, and see any related documents that have already been created.

  • Add any Notes or Files here as required

  • Email from here - either using Salesforce Email, or “Send a Schoolworks Email” which uses the Schoolworks Email Templates.

Finance Balances/Finance Details

  • Shows an overview of any balances on the Agent Account, either:

  • Debtor Balance - money owed by the Agent to the School

  • Creditor Account - money owed by the School to the Agent (typically commissions)

  • Finance Details will display all related Finance Transactions on the Account (invoices, receipts, payments etc).


  • This displays four charts, to allow at-a-glance evaluation of performance:

    • Agent Course Sales vs Previous Years

    • Agent Sales by Month

    • Agent Income by Year, by Service Type

    • Agent Student Weeks by Year

Can’t find what you need?

  • Try searching for keywords at the top of the screen, or browse the full wiki contents in the left-hand panel.
  • If you need further support, please login to your Service Desk account and raise a support ticket here or email full details to
  • Full details of Schoolworks Support Best Practice and Process can be found here.