System Overview and Terminology

Here are the key terms used in Schoolworks:

  • Account

    • Students, Agents, Companies, Accommodation Providers, Teachers are different Types of Accounts

      • We use Accounts to maintain compatibility with Salesforce ‘Sales Cloud’ (and other AppExchange Apps)

  • Enrolment

    • An enrolment records the student’s visit to the school 

      • – multiple visits (e.g. Next year etc) = multiple Enrolments for each visit

    • Agents and Companies are assigned to Enrolments in the case of agent or company led Enrolments

    • Enrolment Start Date = First Date of First Course

    • Enrolment End Date = Last Date of Last Course

    • The Enrolment record holds together the following records:

      • Bookings

        • Students request for Services

        • Course, Accommodation, Individual Tuition, Exams, Insurance, Sundry are different Types of Bookings

        • Booking (Service) Options

          • Double Room, B&B, 7 meals per day, Arrival, Departure are all examples of booking options associated with bookings which can be setup to map to your products

        • Placements

          • The fulfilfulment of a Booking

            • Types of placements:

            • Class Placement(s) – linked to Course Booking

            • Accommodation Placement(s) – linked to Accommodation Booking

            • Individual Tuition Placement(s) – linked to Individual Tuition Booking

  • Classes

    • Organisation record to group students together for Lessons

    • Students are Placed in Classes

    • Classes have a Timetable

  • Timetable

    • The Who, Where and When (Teacher, Room and Date/Time) for Lessons

    • The Who Where and When for Meetings (Staff typically)

    • The Who Where and When for Individual Tuition (this is Class-Less, hourly tuition for students)

  • School

    • Schools can be organisational (e.g. General, Executive, Training) or Geographic (e.g. London, Dublin, Paris).

    • Schools can be used to segment or organise Services and Resources

  • Service

    • This is what a student Books

    • It defines whether it is a Course, Accommodation, Individual Tuition, Exam or Sundry

    • It has various setting which control

      • Length, Age, Level

      • Dates – whether they are ‘fixed’ or variable

    • School (or centre)

    • Various Online Booking System settings

  • Price Item

    • Finance settings which relate to a Service

      • Links to Chart of Accounts (Nominal Accounts)

      • Rounding Rules

      • Tax behaviour

    • PriceItems ‘link’ to a Service so that we can re-use complicated Finance configurations

    • Links to Prices

      • How much we sell Services for

        • Prices are organised into

          • Price Lists (typically dates to allow for moving from one price list e.g. 2023 to another e.g. 2024)

          • and

          • Price List Groups (typically used to group price lists together e.g. LATAM, Asia, Europe)



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  • If you need further support, please login to your Service Desk account and raise a support ticket here or email full details to
  • Full details of Schoolworks Support Best Practice and Process can be found here.