Students courses in Schoolworks are represented by a Course Id, Start Date and End date.
We store the student’s course booking in an object called Booking__c
Student Courses might look like:
Student Id | Course Id | Start Date | End Date | Status |
1234 | 1 | 25/3/24 | 19/4/24 | Booked |
2345 | 1 | 5/2/24 | 21/3/24 | Booked |
3456 | 1 | 3/1/24 | 13/11/24 | Booked |
4567 | 1 | 13/2/24 | 10/10/24 | Cancelled |
5678 | 1 | 26/3/24 | 28/3/24 | Booked |
5678 | 2 | 27/3/24 | 29/3/24 | Booked |
Each booking has a status - ‘Booked’ and ‘Cancelled’.
Please write a Salesforce Apex method, with input parameters - periodStartDate, periodEndDate, that returns a list of unique students Ids 'here' across the period, from the object Booking__c, which has the fields, Student_Id, Course_Id, Booking_Start_Date__c, Booking_End_Date__c, Status__c. where Booking Start/End dates are across PeriodStart/End dates and Status = "Booked".