Student Id | Start Date | End Date | Status |
1234 | 25/3/24 | 19/4/24 | Booked |
2345 | 5/2/24 | 21/3/24 | Booked |
3456 | 3/1/24 | 13/11/24 | Booked |
4567 | 13/2/24 | 10/10/24 | Cancelled |
5678 | 26/3/24 | 28/3/24 | Booked |
5678 | 27/3/24 | 29/3/24 | Booked |
Each booking has a status - ‘Booked’ and ‘Cancelled’.
A student is deemed to be ‘here' (i.e. ‘in school’) if their course dates are 'across' the period dates.
e.g. 3 unique students are in school (above) for period 25/3/24 to 29/3/24.
Student Id | Start Date | End Date | Status |
1234 | 1/3/24 | 1/3/24 | Booked |
1234 | 21/3/24 | 3/3/24 | Booked |
2345 | 19/2/24 | 21/2/24 | Booked |
1234 | 26/3/24 | 26/3/24 | Booked |
3456 | 20/3/24 | 26/3/24 | Booked |
3456 | 27/3/24 | 30/4/24 | Booked |
5678 | 27/3/24 | 27/3/24 | Booked |
e.g. there 2 students are in school for the period 25/3/24 to 29/3/24 if we now exclude those on holiday for this period using both sets of data above.
Further questions
Please feel free to ask for further questions for clarification of the task - asking questions is perfectly OK and welcomed, if anything here is unclear.
Your submission
This can be submitted in a format you think is appropriate. It can be a txt file, PDF, or working example in a test ORG.
Please consider usual best practices in your submission; testing of your submission as an example.
We will consider part answers as well with any questions or assumptions, in particular for the extension task.
Your approach to the task, understanding of the details, further questions (if needed for clarification), assumptions, best practices and then accuracy are all important in our evaluation of your submission.