Estimate/Enrolment screen:
Or in the online booking system:
In the online booking system:
In landing URLs (for the online booking system)
Because the online booking system accepts URLs with parameters, you can build promotional links like this:
https:<your booking portal domain>&promocode=<special promo code>
You could use these in email campaigns to customers to offer a special deal to those with ‘the link’.
The link can also include other parametes - Service Group (to target a list of Services) or even a specific Service (e.g. Course) and Specific Dates.
https:<your booking portal domain>&promocode=<special promo code>&servicegroupintegrationcode=<servicegroupintegrationcode>
For example a specific service, start date and duration:
https:<your booking portal domain>&promocode=<special promo code>&serviceintegrationcode=<serviceintegrationcode>&startdate=<yyyy-mm-dd>&duration=<calanderdaystoenddate>
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